Love Is in the Air: Previewing Valentine’s Day Blog Posts
Valentine’s Day will be celebrated on Feb. 14, and on the blog, Natalie Caine-Bish, associate professor in the Department of Health Sciences and registered dietician, will write about “Healthy Places to Take Your Valentine to Eat.” Visit the ɬ Connects blog on Tuesday, Feb. 12, to read Caine-Bish’s blog post.
Also, ɬ executive chef Michael Fiala will write about “Entertaining – Valentine’s Day Wine Dinner for Two.” Visit the ɬ Connects blog on Thursday, Feb. 14, to read Fiala’s post and get ideas for your special Valentine’s Day wine dinner.
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The Way of Tea
Elaine Robinson, special assistant in ɬ’s Office of Institutional Advancement, has an interesting hobby—the Japanese tea ceremony.
“Tea provides me with an escape from the everyday bustle and an opportunity for self-reflection and deepening human relations,” Robinson says.
from Robinson’s “The Way of Tea” blog post.
Food Fool’s – “Souper” Bowl Party
Emily Myers, special assistant in the Office of the Provost, writes about her group’s “Souper” bowl party.
“It wasn’t planned to be part of the Super Bowl madness, but we found ourselves participating in our own “bowl” event last week featuring neither Ravens nor Niners but SOUPS! The group met and shared a lunch of three soups.”
from Myers’s “Food Fool’s – ‘Souper’ Bowl Party” blog post.