
Assessing Scholarship

A candidate for reappointment in UL shall demonstrate a satisfactory record of scholarship. For UL, scholarship may include, but is not limited to, structured scholarly investigation that utilizes appropriate and sound research methods in the search for new knowledge. It may be typified by descriptive, relational, or causal research questions. One of the sought-after goals is the development of a cohesive agenda within a faculty member's scholarly endeavors.

Scholarship should be conducted either (a) within the discipline of library science or (b) in relation to the responsibilities of one's position or (c) based on one's grounding as a librarian. A candidate who undertakes scholarly activity outside these areas must persuasively explain the appropriateness of the research in their reappointment file. In addition to the more traditional means of pursuing research, significant advanced degree work is also valued when it relates to one or more of the three areas listed above. See Appendix 2.C. of the UL Faculty Handbook for a statement on graduate study by faculty members in University Libraries.

To be successful for reappointment, a candidate should have achieved a "fair," "good," "very good," or "excellent" assessment rating in the category of Scholarship of Integration/Discovery. In the first full year review, fair is acceptable in recognition of the candidate's developing line of inquiry. As a candidate moves closer to the tenure decision, the candidate should progress to the "very good" or "excellent" rating required for a positive tenure decision.



Accomplishments Corresponding to the Assessment


Wide recognition of active research program

Demonstrated evidence of a clear line of inquiry. Consistent record of publication. Invitations to give presentations to national, regional, or state organizations. Thoroughly addresses any improvements needed based on reappointment letters.

Very Good

Growing recognition of active research program

Emerging line of inquiry. Active record of publication. Evidence of presentations to national, regional, or state organizations. Significant effort demonstrated to make improvements based on reappointment letters.


Active research program

Evidence of some research activity. Some publications or presentations. Modest effort to make improvements based on reappointment letters.


Developing research program

Limited record of research activity consistent with a candidate at the start of their career. Few publications or meeting presentations.


No research program

No evidence of research activity. No publications or presentations. No effort to make improvements based on reappointment letters.