
Other Faculty Duties

Faculty Senate and other University Level Committees

Faculty participation in University-wide academic affairs is exercised primarily through the elected Faculty Senate and the several committees, commissions and councils established by or in accord with the Charter and Bylaws of the Faculty Senate as incorporated in the University Policy Register at chapters 2-05 and 2-06 or by the Collective Bargaining Agreements of the Bargaining Units.  Other University Level committees to which UL faculty may be elected or appointed include:

  • The TT unit Provost's Advisory Committee (PAC)
  • The Non Tenure Track unit's Provost's Advisory Committee (NPAC)
  • The Faculty Ethics Committee (FEC)
  • The Faculty Senate Budget Advisory Committee (FaSBAC)
  • The Educational Policies Council (EPC) - which is comprised of two sections, one for Undergraduate Studies and one for Graduate Studies
  • The University Libraries Advisory Committee (ULAC)

The Faculty Senate advises and acts on matters laid before it by the president, bodies of the university, bodies of the faculty senate, or members of the faculty. The Faculty Senate may also act on its own prerogative and that of the administration of the university to consider any matter relevant to the welfare of the university. Representatives are elected from the Faculty of each academic unit, including University Libraries, in accordance with these bylaws. The Faculty Senate holds at least nine regularly scheduled meetings per academic year. The Faculty Senate's official web site is located athttp://www.kent.edu/facultysenate

A. UL Faculty Expectations for UL Representatives to Faculty Senate and other University Level Committees

Recommended activities of UL representatives to University Level Committees include: attendance at committee meetings; the timely sharing of committee agendas, meeting summaries, and issues with UL faculty; seeking input from UL faculty; providing an annual summary report either in print prior to or in person as part of the agenda of the Annual Meeting (UL's Faculty Senator and the representatives to PAC, NPAC and FaSBAC present their reports at the Annual Meeting; UL's representatives to FEC, EPC and ULAC produce written reports for distribution prior to the Annual Meeting); and responding to any questions and concerns raised at the Annual Meeting of UL faculty.

Approved by UL Faculty, 11/16/10
Receipt acknowledged by the Provost's Office, 11/17/10
Final approval, 8/31/11