Music, a cheering crowd and ɬ students shouting “bingo!” could be heard across the Kent Student Center on Wednesday, Aug. 30, at the Flash Activity Board (FAB) grocery bingo night created for fun and a good cause.
FAB gave out food-related prizes for bingo winners. Students who brought non-perishable canned goods or donated meal swipes to ɬ’s CARES Center and Community Engaged Learning’s Flashes Fighting Hunger organization were entered into a raffle to win additional snacks.
The event was held in a room on the second floor of the student center. Students had the chance to win mac & cheese, ramen, Oreos, Goldfish, Cheez-its and more.
“I didn’t expect this much turnout, but so far so good,” said Anna Hasselbusch, event organizer and a sophomore hospitality and event management major. “It has gone really well, and we’ve had quite a few donations for Flashes Fighting Hunger.”
FAB plans more than 100 events every school year, striving to bring the ɬ community together and providing new experiences for students.
“This is my first year in FAB, and I can say it is a great organization,” Hasselbusch said. “Applications open in March but you can also support by attending our events.”
One freshman attending the event, who won a box of Capri Suns, said she found out about the event through .