
Funding Opportunities

The Office of Research Development (ORD) is the division's resource for help with finding funding from external funding sources, including assistance with:

  • the  which contains records representing more than $100 billion in funding from a variety of sources. Contact Cathy Lowe in the at clowe@kent.edu or 330-672-0139. 
  • , an online portal to search for funding from federal agencies, including more than 1,000 grant programs offered by all federal grant-making agencies.
  • Limited submission programs that limit the number of applications an organization is allowed to submit in response to a particular program announcement and often require an internal competition for available submission slots. Limited submission opportunities and internal submission procedures are posted on the ORD website and are announced through internal research listservs. 
  • Funding opportunity listservs that are used to distribute information related to funding opportunities that may be of interest to faculty. Listserv categories include the Sciences, Social Sciences, Education, Public Health and Arts & Humanities. Faculty and staff may request to be added to any of these listservs by contacting the Office of Research Development and specifying the category of their choice.


Finding Funding Opportunities with Pivot: Tools, Tips, and Pitfalls (09/15/2022)

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Presentation Slides (PDF)