
Links of Interest

Global History

American Historical Association 

Latin American Studies Association 

Urban History Association 

Society for Military History 

American History

American Studies Association 

Organization of American Historians 

Society for Historians of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era 

Society of Civil War Historians 

North American Society of Sport Historians 

The Southern Historical Association 

Western History Association 

The Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations 

European History

International Medieval Congress 

Sixteenth-Century Society & Conference 

Renaissance Society of America 

Association for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies 

Science and Other Studies of History

History of Science Society

American Association for the History of Medicine

Oral History Association 

Social Science History Association 

Teaching History

National Council for History Education 

National History Day www.nationalhistoryday.org

History Matters:  The U.S. Survey on the Web historymatters.gmu.edu

EDSITEment:  The Best of the Humanities on the Web 

Teaching With Historic Places http://www.nps.gov/history/nr/twhp/

Teaching History:  A Journal of Methods