
Academic Success Center Staff


Our staff would be happy to talk with you about our services and ways we can work together to support student success. Use the chart below to connect with the appropriate contact, or for general information, connect with us by phone at 330-672-3190 or by email at asc@kent.edu

Focus Area


Phone Number


Academic CoachingKatie Finch(330) 672-4250kfinch4@kent.edu
Learning Skills Workshops DeAnn Zalom(330) 672-8692dzalomno@kent.edu
Campus Events & ProgrammingJade Hunt(330) 672-8690jhunt46@kent.edu
Supplemental InstructionJenna Morrison    (330) 672-6340jmorr122@kent.edu
TutoringJustin Faluotico(330) 672-8688jfaluoti@kent.edu
Placement and TestingJen Washko(330) 672-0995jwashko1@kent.edu