
5 - 13.2

Administrative policy regarding minimum levels of support for naming opportunities

  1. Policy statement. The following amounts are established by the president as the minimum levels support for the naming opportunities established in rule 3342-5-13.1 of the Administrative Code.
    1. Minimum levels for facilities:
      1. New facilities: Thirty-three to fifty-one per cent of the cost of construction depending on source of total funds plus a ten per cent maintenance endowment.
      2. Renovations: Thirty-three to fifty-one per cent of the renovation cost depending on source of total funds, plus ten per cent maintenance endowment.
      3. Components of a structure (i.e. classroom technology, equipment): one hundred fifty per cent of actual square-footage cost.
      4. Courtyards, gardens, and other landscaping: one hundred fifty per cent of actual square-footage cost.
      5. Current facilities not under renovation can be named in honor of an individual with an appropriate gift as determined by the board committee.
    2. Minimum levels of faculty support:
      1. Distinguished endowed chair: two million five hundred thousand dollars.
      2. Endowed research chair: one million five hundred thousand dollars.
      3. Endowed chair: one million dollars.
      4. Endowed professorship: five hundred thousand dollars.
      5. Endowed visiting professorship: five hundred thousand dollars.
      6. Endowed faculty fellowship: two hundred fifty thousand dollars.
    3. Minimum levels of administrative support:
      1. Presidential endowed chair in educational leadership (for the sitting president of Kent state.  Only one available):  five million dollars.
      2. Endowed deanship: two million dollars.
      3. Endowed directorship of athletics:  three million dollars.
      4. Endowed head coaching (football, baseball, basketball): one million dollars.
      5. Endowed head coaching (all other sports or position coaches): five hundred thousand dollars.
    4. Minimum levels of student support:
      1. Undergraduate endowed scholarship: twenty-five thousand dollars (depending upon the scholarship level).
      2. Founder's medallion scholarship: one hundred thousand dollars.
      3. Graduate endowed fellowship: one hundred thousand dollars.
    5. Minimum levels for other program support.
      1. Program funds: one hundred thousand dollars.
      2. Centers and institutes: one million dollars.
      3. Schools and departments: three million dollars.  (depending upon size and stature of the college and circumstances of the gift).
      4. Colleges: ten million to fifty million dollars (depending upon size and stature of the college and circumstances of the gift).
Policy Effective Date:
Apr 01, 2016
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
10/05/2012, 03/01/2015