
6 - 07.2

Administrative policy regarding the compensation plan for classified civil service staff who are not in a recognized bargaining unit

  1. In accordance with section 3345.31 of the Revised Code, the board of trustees of the university established a new compensation plan for classified civil service staff who are not in a recognized bargaining unit. Effective June 30, 1991, the classification and pay of all covered employees is determined in accordance with the policies and procedures described herein and in the relevant rules of Chapter 3342-6 of the Administrative Code. These policies and procedures define the operation of the compensation plan for covered employees at the university and supersede any and all other classification and pay provisions and understandings, implied or otherwise.
  2. Compensation objectives. It is the intent of the university to maintain a compensation plan which:
    1. Identifies the essential job duties and responsibilities of positions through written classification specifications.
    2. Determines the relative value of classification and positions based on standardized compensable factors.
    3. Assigns classifications relative to internal equity based upon the demands and requirements of positions.
    4. Establishes pay levels which are competitive in the university's defined labor market and recruiting area.
    5. Administers pay in accordance with applicable governmental statutes, rules, and regulations.
    6. Recognizes the need to maintain personnel costs within limits necessary to ensure continued financial stability of the university.
  3. Administrative responsibility. The administration of the compensation plan is the responsibility of the personnel department; however, ultimate authority and responsibility for the university's compensation objectives, pay structures, and policies rests with the university board of trustees. Major revision in the compensation plan must be approved by this group.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
6/30/1991, 6/1/2007