On Monday, Nov. 10, Thomas O’Reilly will present a Lunch and Learn on the topic “Healthy Living for Busy Lives.”
Julia Ellifritt will present a session on “Holiday Grief” on Thursday, Dec. 4. Lunch-and-learn sessions are held at noon in Heer Hall, Room 107. A complete description for both sessions and registration links are available on the OneWellU website.
If the upcoming holiday season already has you concerned about maintaining your weight while surrounded by tempting seasonal foods, be sure to sign up for our Holiday Hold weight maintenance challenge. Details about this challenge for all ɬ employees can be found on the OneWellU website. Registration for the Holiday Hold weight challenge will begin Oct. 31.
For questions, contact Michelle Igleheart, wellness coordinator, at 330-672-3107 or miglehe2@kent.edu.