
Committee formation and general responsibilities

  1. Each year at least one (1) month prior to the Annual Meeting, the CAC shall survey the Faculty and NTT faculty concerning committee preferences.
  2. Within one (1) week following the Annual Meeting, the Dean shall call a joint meeting of the newly-elected, continuing, and outgoing CAC representatives. At this meeting the CAC shall appoint the chair of each standing committee. Whenever possible, standing committee chairs shall have served as members of their committees during the previous year. 
  3. At the second meeting of the CAC, the committee chairs, in consultation with the CAC, shall appoint the members of each committee, using information gained from the preference survey. There shall be at least three Faculty members on each committee. In addition, the committee chair may select NTT faculty to serve.
  4. Committee chairs may give a report to the CAC concerning committee business. Committee chairs shall place pertinent committee information on the CAC meeting agendas.
  5. A summary of the year's work shall be reported by each committee chair at the Annual Meeting.
  6. CAC will consult with the committee chair to fill a vacancy on a standing committee.  If the chair of the committee can no longer serve, CAC will name a replacement to complete that term of service.
  7. The committees are responsible for setting their own meeting times and plans of operation.