Mike Melinder
Assistant Director, Regional Admissions
Email: mmelinde@kent.edu
Phone: 330-672-4161
About Me
I was born and raised in the St. Louis area and currently live with my family in suburban Chicago. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Indiana University, and have worked in college admissions for nearly 20 years. My primary focus has been recruiting for large, public universities in the Midwest.
My advice for prospective students is to visit as many colleges as possible – nothing can replicate the “feel” of a college campus. Also, try to avoid thinking there is only one perfect college out there. The goal is to find the college that is perfect for YOU!
What I Love About ɬ
The location! Kent, Ohio, is an idyllic college town with a top-tier research university directly across the street. Consider making ɬ your home away from home!
Fun Facts
• I am left-handed.
• I played college rugby.
• My birthday is International Talk Like a Pirate Day – arrrgh!